We offer a variety of adjunct therapies, that are included within your comprehensive chiropractic or physiotherapy visit. These include but are not limited to:
Type of Treatment AvailableACUPUNCTURE
What is acupuncture? Acupuncture involves the insertion of small sterilized needles into specific locations on the skin surface. Benefits Acupuncture and procedures related to acupuncture have been demonstrated to be a safe and effective form of treatment for a range of conditions including musculoskeletal complaints and pain. FUNCTIONAL DRY NEEDLING
Involves the repetitive insertion of a needle into a muscle(s) in order to release shortened bands and/or decrease over-activity of muscles. This can help resolve muscle tension and pain and will promote healing. This is a medical treatment that relies on a medical diagnosis in order to be most effective. All of our practitioners are trained in Functional Dry Needling through KinetaCore®. KINESIOTAPING
Kinesiotape is a type of tape that has a slight stretch and is often coloured. You may have seen it in many high level athletes during the Rio Summer Olympics in 2016. Kinesiotaping gives support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion. ( This taping technique can be used to either support or decrease tension within a muscle. This tool is used by our therapists at Rebalance to maintain the effects of treatment and help retrain your muscle(s) and restore proper function. ATHLETIC TAPING
Athletic tape is a white rigid tape, which in contrast to kinesiotape, does not have any stretch. Athletic taping is a technique that helps to maintain a stable position of bones and muscles across the joint. This reduces pain and aids recovery. ULTRASOUND
Ultrasound is a therapeutic modality to help promote tissue healing. It does so by sending sound waves through the skin and into the tissues, which helps to increase circulation in the area. TENS (TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRO-NEURAL STIMULATION)
TENS is a treatment modality used to control pain before or after treatment by using a low-voltage electrical current. MANUAL SOFT TISSUE THERAPY (MUSCLE RELEASE)
We utilize a myofascial soft tissue mobilization technique aimed to treat problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. INSTRUMENTED SOFT TISSUE THERAPY
The technique utilizes specially designed stainless steel instruments to specifically detect and effectively treat areas with scar tissue adhesions or chronic inflammation. |
Additional products/services offered through our clinic:
For additional information, please contact a member of our team! |